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Am I enough?

I feel every human being has struggled with this very question. We turn for self-development or other means of improving ourselves because we don't believe we are fundamentally good enough as we are. We want to be more resilient, stronger, more loving...etc etc.

We also struggle to let ourselves be vulnerable, even though it is spoken about time and time again that we treat it with some taboo.

What is the answer? What if the answer lay in the urgency we have to be more mindful and more happy and not mindfulness itself?

What if we stopped chasing the cure to happiness and accept the way we treat ourselves first without it having to be a taboo. What if the very key is not in another self improvement program , but in looking into the very nature of how much we run ourselves with expectation on ourselves and others.

There is a great reminder in the book of #befriendurmind which shared Free yourself even from the cure. Sometimes it's when we have too many tools and mix them, we become more confused. The first step to be good enough is to see yourself as you are. Taking a simple sheet of paper and writing down what you are truly feeling is a start, happiness cannot be seen, when we are fixing before truly seeing what is the real issue at hand.

The cure comes later, the seeing comes first.

At our Daring to be You program , we focus on you unleashing what's going on inside first, you will get the answers or better yet, your direction on what steps to take, its understanding your own noise and not the interpretation.

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